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Golf Swing Armband
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Color : Black

No More Flying Elbows While Swinging Your Golf Clubs

Do you struggle to hit straight shots off the tee and right through to the green?

Do most of your shots go straight left or have a huge left to right bend that end up in the water, bunker or even out of bounds?

Do you hit topped shots or hit the golf ball fat and see it barely make the ladies tee blocks?

If this sounds like you, then there’s a good chance you suffer from "Flying Elbow Syndrome".

The Pro Golf Swing Armband is a training aid made for golfers who have the tendency to pull their left arm across their chest inside and "chicken wing" the right arm.

This Swing Armband will train your left arm to remain extended throughout the shot while your right elbow remains close to the body, making the torso being the engine increasing shoulder turn which improves distance and accuracy.

Use it just above the elbows and you feel the arms wanting to get back together when you start to chicken out on your backswing. You immediately become more aware of what you are doing wrong.

The Pro Golf Swing Armband is one of the simplest, yet most effective learning tools ever developed to teach a connected, torso-controlled swing.

Benefits of Training With The Pro Golf Swing Armband

  • Helps eliminate “flying elbow syndrome” aka “chicken wing”
  • Encourages proper downswing sequence
  • Improves swing performance and efficiency
  • Help connect your arms with your body turn
  • Achieve greater distances, better accuracy, and consistency
  • Boosts your confidence when swinging your club

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